It's time for our fresh-from-the-farm fall dug trees!
Why plant trees in autumn?
The stress of hot summer temperatures is past, and because deciduous trees are losing their leaves naturally and going dormant, there's no potential for leaf damage.
Whenever temperatures are warm enough to foster new growth, fall planted trees will focus on putting out new roots, giving them a head start once spring starts.
Not all trees are suitable for fall transplanting, but we've selected the best to offer to you this this season. Here's a rundown of the Hoerr homegrown trees that we have arriving right now:
Shade Trees: Oaks & Maples
The Swamp White Oak (left) is a magnificent heritage tree, growing at a rate of 2' per year into a venerable giant that may live 300 years or more! Perhaps the most essential native tree for wildlife, oaks are being slowly supplanted by maples in old growth forests. Planting oaks helps to restore this balanced relationship.
Maple trees are perhaps best known for their spectacular display of fall color. We've got a fresh and fiery selection of three favorites.
Autumn Fest (top right) is a selection of our native sugar maple, finishing out the season in splendor with orange and scarlet hues. Brandywine Maple (bottom right) is renown for its crimson color in autumn.
Ornamental Trees
These three trees stay relatively small, but they make a big visual splash!
Crabapple trees are a classic option for multi-season interest, with generous spring flower displays and attractive fall fruit and foliage. Red Jewel Crabapple (left) sets itself apart with tiny, candy red fruits that hang on long into winter, attracting birds. Royal Raindrops Crabapple has unique trident leaves that are purple during the growing season, transitioning to scarlet in fall.
With its creamy white clusters of mildly fragrant flowers and compact growth habit, Ivory Silk Japanese Lilac Tree (bottom right) makes a good replacement for Ornamental Pears lost to fireblight.
Evergreens cheer us during the winter like few other plants! They hold onto their needles with every other trace of green is gone, and their picturesque stature in the snow can transform a bleak landscape into a winter wonderland.
Canaan Fir, Norway Spruce (right) and Serbian Spruce are all striking trees for the large-scale landscape, and suitable alternatives to dying Colorado Blue Spruce.
White Pine (left) and Columnar White Pine are Illinois native evergreens . Planted in a double row, white pines make an excellent windbreak.
Hicks Yew (middle) is a columnar evergreen that can grow in deeper shade than most, with emerald green color year round! It makes a great specimen, grouping or privacy hedge.
Visit Hoerr Nursery to have a look at our freshly dug fall tree selection, and let our knowledgeable team of Horticulturists help you find the perfect tree! You can find our entire list of recommended perennials, trees and shrubs for autumn planting here.
Make the holiday season bright with workshops at Hoerr Nursery! We'll show you how to decorate your own Christmas wreath or porch pot, with all materials provided. Workshops will be held in the garden house. Face masks are required. We'll be spacing parties farther apart this year, so space is limited. Sign up to save your spot!
For fun fall decorating, we've got yellow mums for $9.99, plus pumpkins and heirloom gourds, all 50 cents to $5.99!
Green Thumb is wrapping up for the season! Catch the final two episodes on 1470 WMBD, Saturdays at 7am, October 17th and 24th.
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