Shrubs for effortless color!

We tend to think of flowers when we think of plants that impress us, but shrubs that stand out in their own right can be an invaluable way to add extra "oomph" to a garden. This week, we invite you to get inspired as we profile some that show off all season long!
A tough-as-nails, color changing native with year round interest!

Leaves take on shades of red, orange or gold throughout the season, depending on the variety. Spirea type flowers bloom from late spring to early summer, followed by scarlet seed heads. The attractive, exfoliating bark that gives the plant its name becomes visible after the leaves drop in winter. 

Diervilla (Bush Honeysuckle)

Unlike the invasive Asian honeysuckle, this is a striking, well-behaved plant, selected for showy leaves. Some emerge bronze in spring and change color throughout the season, while others are variegated. All types bear tiny yellow flowers in summer (shown left) that attract hummingbirds. These may be followed by interesting seedpods (shown right.) Many varieties are Illinois native cultivars. Succeeds where other plants fail! 


The epitome of carefree color, many varieties of Spirea are known to live for 50 years or more! Most modern selections put on a spring show, with bright emerging leaves, elegant flower clusters, or both at the same time. Most of them eventually settle on green leaves, but a few remain a sprightly shade of chartreuse all season long. 


An interesting evergreen that's a real landscape standout when properly sited! Grows in any amount of sun or shade. 

Variegated leaves turn pinkish in fall and winter. Spreads quickly to form a dense, bushy mat, rooting where it touches. Will climb a wall if given support. May be sheered to shape. 

Great for preventing erosion on slopes and filling in planters edged with concrete or masonry. 


Known for its tubular spring blossoms that allure hummingbirds, many recent additions to the Weigela lineup are adding bold leaf color to their list of desirable traits. Browse our selection of Weigela and you'll find foliage in near-black, gold, tricolor shades and more! With sizes ranging from privacy hedge to ground hugging, there's a Weigela for every sunny garden. 


Available in a range of jewel-like tones, Barberry is among the most brightly colored shrubs. Some varieties are also among the smallest shrubs available, making them fantastic accents for a compact and colorful garden.

Barberry is also known for its thorniness, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage. On the one hand, it makes an excellent security plant, and it deters browsing in deer and rabbit pressured areas. On the other hand, you'll want to be careful not to plant it anyplace that you'll regularly brush up against it.

Ornamental Elderberry

With its handsome purple leaves, the ornamental Black Elderberries (Sambucus nigra) make a hardy alternative to Japanese Maple in sunny and/or wet spots. Unlike Japanese Maples, they bear enormous pink, lemon-scented flower heads. As a bonus, the fruit that follows is edible, traditionally used to make Elderberry wine. Fruit set will be highest when another black elderberry is nearby. 

The yellow-green leaves of Lemony Lace Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) are sunburn resistant and contrast dramatically with other shrubs. It bears white flower heads in early summer, followed by red berries. These have a bitter flavor, and are best left to the birds. 
The season heading into fall is a great time to introduce new shrubs to your landscape. Why not make them something special? 

Use your Hardy Bucks
before time runs out!

Hardy Bucks season ends August 15th, so hurry in and save up to 50% on all in-stock retail merchandise! 

Got Landscape Problems?

 We have solutions!

This summer we're offering four free problem-solving garden plans, crafted by our experts to give you six months or more of color! Too many deer and rabbits? Not enough water? Too much shade? Want to attract more pollinators? We've got the plans for you!

Visit, and download your new garden today!

Pictured above: Astilbe, which flowers happily in well-watered, shady spots. You'll find it featured in our deep shade garden plan.
   The Green Thumb Gardening Show is back on 1470 WMBD, at 7am on Saturday mornings! Tune in to hear Ethan Wise and Dan Diorio talk gardening for Central Illinois.
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