Goldfinch Garden

A Goldfinch Garden
We've been talking Goldfinches this week on social media. (In case you're on social media and you haven't visited us yet, you'll find Hoerr Nursery on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.)

A lot of you seem to be enjoying your golden garden visitors! In this week's blog, we'll talk more about how to encourage Goldfinches in your garden.

Feathering a Nest
While most birds nest in spring, the American Goldfinch begins in mid-summer. The female gathers spiderwebs, fibers, and the down from Milkweed and other plants. She picks out a spot, usually in a deciduous tree or shrub, builds a snug nest, and lays eggs. Once they hatch, the adult Goldfinches feed the babies with seeds. This time of year you might spot the fluffy juveniles learning to forage for themselves. 
Perennials & Annuals
The plants that Goldfinches like best overlap nicely with the plants that will draw pollinators to your garden, and since Goldfinches eat nearly all seed, they won't bother your butterflies. All you have to do to draw them in is allow some of your flowers to go to seed. Some Goldfinch favorites include: 
Sea Holly
Native Ornamental Grasses
Anise Hyssop
Black-Eyed Susan
Joe Pye Weed
If you add annuals to your garden, you can also attract both pollinators and Goldfinches with Zinnias, Cosmos, Mexican Torch Flower, and especially Sunflower...which brings us to the next method for attracting Goldfinches. 
Feed the Birds
If you keep bird feeders, you'll find that Goldfinches like black oil sunflower seed or nyjer best. Nyjer seed is also sold as "Thistle Seed," even though it isn't actually from a thistle.
Nyjer seed is usually fed put into a mesh or sock type feeder by itself. Squirrels don't go crazy trying to break into these in the same way that they go after conventional bird seed mixes, so you can get away with hanging a nyjer seed feeder among your flowers without worrying about it being robbed. 
American Goldfinches aren't the only type of birds that will be attracted to nyjer feeders, either. You're also likely to be visited by other clinging seed eaters, such as House Finches, Song Sparrows, Indigo Buntings, Dark-Eyed Juncos, Purple Finches and Pine Siskins. These same seed-eaters are also likely to visit the seed heads in your garden. 
Location, Location, Location
Goldfinches like to feed near a safe tree or bush. This gives them a great "home base" for their nest, and allows them to take shelter if they feel threatened. Gardens and bird feeders within 20' of shelter will get more visitors. 
Changing Colors
After they develop their adult feathers, Goldfinches will molt twice during the year.

In fall they replace all of their feathers with less showy winter plumage. 
In spring they shed only their body feathers, taking on the brilliant yellow color that gives Goldfinches their name.
These molts require extra energy, and a good supply of seed will help with the process. Next time you're cutting back your flowers, leave some seed heads for the birds!
This just in:
Fresh Fall Annuals!
Refresh your garden with brilliant autumn annuals. We've got pre-planted pots, plus Black-Eyed Susan, Marigolds, Celosia, Ornamental Peppers, Ornamental Cabbage and more!
Closed for Labor Day
We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, 9/5. Have a fun and safe holiday!
Aug 15th-Sept 5th:
Select Trees, 25% off

Choose from the following varieties: 

Armstrong Gold Maple
Autumn Blaze Maple
Crimson King Maple
Crimson Sunset Maple
Redpointe Maple
Urban Sunset Maple

Red Jewel Crabapple
Tina Crabapple

Ornamental Cherries
Double Weeping Cherry
Pink Snow Showers Weeping Cherry
Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry

Miscellaneous Trees
Autumn Gold Ginkgo
Skyline Honeylocust
Exclamation Planetree
Colonial Spirit Elm

Fruit Trees
Apples, 2n1
Firestorm Honeycrisp Apple
Jonagold Apple
Jonathan Apple
Red Delicious Apple
Winesap Apple

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