New At Hoerr Nursery For 2023

New for 2023
An intriguing new selection of perennials and shrubs has joined our summer lineup. Check out what's new!

Premier perennials
Breathe new life into your summer garden with these exciting new perennial selections!
Gaudi Violet Ladybells bear beautiful spikes of nodding, lavender flowers from summer into fall. Grows in full sun to part shade. Appreciates a summer mulch and rich, evenly moist soil. Hardy to –30°F!
Red Feathers Echium is a unique dryland plant with coral red flowers that rise in dramatic spikes above the blue-green foliage from May to July. Makes an amazing cut flower!
Echium is a short-lived perennial, but it freely re-seeds. Best for informal gardens with good soil drainage.
Summer Drift Yarrow is a lush, semi-trailing plant with cute white button flowers that just keep coming! Like the other yarrows, it's a terrific pollinator plant. 
Indian pink is a striking native perennial with brilliant red and yellow flowers that bloom in late spring and early summer. Attracts hummingbirds, but resists deer and rabbit browsing.
Found in Illinois woodlands growing in moist, fertile loam around streams and swamps.
Showcasing shrubs
Our carefully curated selection of shrubs has some exciting new additions!
Autumn Inferno Cotoneaster is a handsome specimen with multi-season interest. Small pink and white flowers appear all along the branches in spring. The leaves put on a breathtaking show in fall.
Jolene Jolene Beautybush is a compact, fountaining shrub. The arching branches are cloaked in starry pink flowers in spring. Simple to grow and versatile!
Weigela feature cascades of flowers and colorful foliage. Wine & Spirits (shown left) is new this year, alongside Vinho Verde (shown right.) Both are dramatic shrubs with bold color contrast!
The Diervillas are extraordinary, color-changing shrubs. Kodiak Fresh joins the lineup with leaves that emerge orange in spring and turn lime green, then orange in autumn. Tough as nails!
Bellini Grape Crepe Myrtle is a hardy riff on a southern classic!  It takes the form of a compact shrub with showy, crepe paper petals in purple.
Best situated on the south side of the house, with deep winter mulch. Dies to the ground each winter, but comes back from the roots. Resists deer browsing and disease!
Whether you're seeking vibrant perennial blooms or resilient shrubs, come and explore our selection of new varieties!
On sale now
while supplies last!

Select Roses - 25%
David Austin, climbers, hybrid tea, floribunda and grandiflora

Annuals, herbs & veggies - 30% off

Half whiskey barrels - 25% off

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