11 plants that goldfinches can't resist!

11 plants that goldfinches can't resist!
Seed the Way:
Attract Goldfinches to Your Garden with These Must-Have Plants!
In gardens throughout Central Illinois, we've been seeing lots of charming visitors lately: goldfinches! These acrobatic, bright yellow birds are a delight to have in your garden. They're wonderfully easy to attract, and we've got just the right plants to make them feel right at home.
Goldfinches are unique in their nesting habits; they don't begin nesting until late June, July, or even September in some cases. Unlike most other bird species, they don't feed their babies insects; instead, they rely solely on seeds. This makes them perfect companions for your pollinator garden. 
The ideal plants bear lots of seeds to keep the goldfinches fed. Here are some plants that will make your garden a goldfinch paradise:
Perennial favorites: 
Anise Hyssop
Joe Pye Weed
Cup Plant

Annual favorites: 
Mexican Torch Flower

Nesting material: 
Milkweed down
(They like thistle down too, but we're guessing you don't want to plant thistles in your yard on purpose!)
A few additional notes: 
It almost goes without saying, but you've got to allow your flowers to go to seed in order to attract these seed-eating birds. They also really appreciate a source of available water, like a fountain or a bird bath. 
Experience the Magic of Goldfinches in Your Garden
Imagine stepping into your garden on a sunny morning, surrounded by vibrant blooms, and the darting displays of goldfinches. It's a scene that's not just picturesque, but also a testament to the beauty and harmony that can exist between nature and your garden.

This scene doesn't have to exist only in your imagination! Start planting today, and watch your garden transform into a haven for these delightful birds. Remember, the key to attracting goldfinches is to provide them with the seeds they love, and with these plants, you'll be well on your way to creating a goldfinch paradise.

Happy gardening!

Natural Decor:
A Symphony of Autumn Elegance
Imagine transforming your porch into a vibrant autumn haven. Our Fall Porch Package is here to help you "get the look" without the fuss.

For just $47.99, you get:
  • 1 pumpkin
  • 2 mums
  • 1 cornstalk bundle
  • 1 full-sized strawbale

If you're looking for something a bit more bespoke, we've got you covered with our homegrown selection of natural fall decor. 

Discover our seasonal favorites: 
Hoerr Homegrown Pumpkins & Gourds: Fresh from the fields, these bring a rustic charm to your porch.
Broomcorn: A graceful sorghum that adds a touch of nostalgia.
Cornstalks: Tall and majestic, they frame a porch or set off a lamppost beautifully.
Strawbales: Simple yet effective, these add warmth to the display, and help display shorter elements. 
Mums: These colorful flowers are the epitome of autumn.
Autumn Annuals: A variety of plants that thrive in the cooler months, adding vibrant color.
From decorative accents to essential items, we've got everything you need to make your porch a stunning reflection of the season.  Don’t just decorate; create an experience! Visit us today, and let the autumn charm begin.

Sales: Week of 9/12-9/18*
  • New! All remaining spring dug maples - 40% off
  • Select container trees - 40% off
  • Suncredible Sunflowers - 30% off
  • Select pottery planters - 50% off (Sale 8/30-9/30)
  • Closeout on select shrubs - 60% off
  • All remaining hybrid tea, floribunda & climbing roses - $15.99
  • Sunny Knock Out & Pink Knock Out Roses - 25% off (thru 10/31/24)
  • Select daylilies: Passionate Returns, Romantic Returns & Earlybird Cardinal - 60% off
  • All remaining spring annuals - 50% off
*Sale merchandise available only while supplies last.

The Perfect Gift for Gardeners:
A Hoerr Nursery Gift Card
No matter the season, a Hoerr Nursery gift card is a practical and thoughtful gift for the gardener in your life. Here’s why it’s a standout choice:
  • Versatile Designs: We offer a selection of designs to suit all tastes, ensuring you can find a card to match your gardener's unique style.
  • Personalized Messages: Each card can be personalized with a message, making it a unique and meaningful way to show that you care. 
  • Convenient Shipping: When you buy a Hoerr Nursery gift card online, we offer easy options to send it to your loved one.
This gift card is more than just a present; it's an opportunity for the gardener to choose exactly what appeals to them. So give the gift of gardening joy today, with a Hoerr Nursery gift card. It's a thoughtful way to show you care!
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