Your Spring Garden Awaits!

Early Planting Ideas Inside 🌸
Your Spring Garden Awaits!
The weather is wonderful, and spring fever is in full swing! While most of our plants are still asleep, we have a selection of beautiful flowers in stock that you can take home and plant outdoors today. 
Spring Sale!
Cold Hardy Bulbs, 3 for $15
Mix and Match Your Favorites! 🌷 💜 🌞 Choose from our delightful selection of:
Mini Daffodils

These spring bloomers are a great addition to early spring displays, either in porch pots or in the ground. They make a cheery gift for a loved one, or a fun living arrangement indoors. If you plant the bulbs outdoors once they've finished blooming, they might return in springs to come. 
Fruits have arrived!
Fruits are in, with both familiar offerings and lesser-known options. Most of our trees are semi-dwarf size (12-15' tall and wide.) Short on space? We also have smaller varieties. In stock now are: 
Bush Cherries, Sour
Bush Cherries, Sweet

Sour Cherries
Sweet Cherries
Wild Strawberries
If you're looking to add something sweet to your garden, stop by! 
Plant Pretty Pansies
As the chill of winter fades, pansies are here to brighten up your garden! These vibrant flowers are not just beautiful; they're also incredibly resilient, thriving in temperatures as low as 25° F and bouncing back from frost. Perfect for borders, containers, and ground cover, pansies add charm to any garden. 
Lovely Lenten Rose
Hellebores, also known as Lenten Roses, bloom extra early in spring. While young hellebore plants take 3-4 years to reach their full flowering potential, we have a stunning selection of mature, acclimatized hellebores ready for you to take home and enjoy right away. These gorgeous plants are perfect for adding instant charm and color to your garden, ensuring a delightful start to each new spring season.
There's no better time to breathe new life into your landscape. Why not come take a stroll through the garden center? Enjoy the vibrant colors and scents of spring, and let us help you create a landscape that not only blooms beautifully, but also nourishes you year after year. Come visit us today, and let's grow together in 2025! 
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