
It's hot and dry.
Here's how to protect your plants!

1. Water, but don't overdo it. 
  • Early morning or evening waterings are much better for plants than watering at mid-day. 
  • You want the soil to be moist rather than sopping wet.
  • Slow, deep watering is more valuable than shallow, short watering, which does little to no good. 
  • Dig down 4-8" to make sure that the soil is truly getting soaked.
  • Don't rely on rain! In addition to the amount and rate of rainfall, trees, houses, and wind patterns can all have an impact on whether plants are actually well-watered by precipitation. 
  • Turn the hose on at a trickle and leave it at the base of each of your trees for an hour or more, especially if your trees were recently planted. 
  • Keep flower beds watered with drip irrigation, soaker hoses or sprinklers. 
2. Mulch!
  • 2-3" of hardwood mulch can help to retain moisture around plants that would struggle with bare soil or rock. 
  • Remember, you can buy mulch at bulk prices in any amount from our Stone Market
3. Hold off on the fertilizer
  • Right now, your plants need to concentrate on maintaining the growth that they have rather than putting out new growth. 
  • An exception would be side-dressing vegetable plants such as tomatoes, provided that you give them regular water. 

4. Cut off spent flowers
  • You can stop your plants from wasting energy trying to produce seed by cutting off flower heads as they finish blooming. 

5. Get rid of weeds
  • Weeds compete with your plants for moisture and nutrients. If you've got weeds springing up in your flower beds, now is a great time to get rid of them!
  • Hand weeding isn't always a great option. If you want to use an herbicide, we can help you choose an organic or conventional product that fits your situation.
  • Drought-stressed weeds will be in "self protection" mode, so herbicide weed treatments will work best in areas that are regularly watered. Most herbicides are water resistant shortly after application. 

6. Minimize Stress
  • If your plants are being attacked by insects (spider mites are a common culprit during hot, dry conditions,) bring us a sample and let us help you develop a game plan to protect them!
  • We have great options for both organic and conventional gardeners. 

Avoid getting overheated: Do your garden tasks in the cool of the early morning or the late afternoon as the sun goes down, and remember, keep yourself hydrated as well as your plants!

Got questions? Give us a call at (309) 691-4561, drop by, message us on Facebook or Instagram, or reply to this email. Our horticulturists are here to help!
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Hoerr Nursery