
Each year we order one special shipment of roses during the month of May. They're in full bloom now, with an array of glorious color 
Scented shrub roses are rare, but Brindabellas have fragrance and more. At 4'x4' they're neat, dense and compact, with all the disease resistance you've come to expect from the Knockouts - no deadheading or pruning necessary.
We have two Brindabella varieties available:

First Lady is a romantic shade of lavender-pink, with the classic perfume to match! (Pictured above)

Red Empress is actually an assertive, rich pink, and equally well-scented. (Pictured right)
If the idea of a scented shrub rose appeals to you but pink isn't your color, try At Last, an apricot flowering beauty with an intoxicating scent and vibrant green foliage. At 2.5-3'x2.5-3' it will fit into almost any sunny spot!
If you haven't stopped in to see our roses yet, be sure to visit before they're gone!
Hunting for pond plants? You'll find the margin plants and the floaters in the breezeway, and the deep water plants around the corner with the statuary...with this guy.
Beginning June 1st, our summer hours will be 9am-6pm Monday through Saturday. Stone Market will continue to be open 7am-5pm Monday through Saturday. The perennials come in to their full glory over the summer, so be sure to visit and enjoy the flowers!
The full extent of the damage from our record-setting early May cold snap is just now appearing on everything from maples to boxwood. If you have a plant with brown or black curling leaves, chances are it was hit by frost damage. Most plants will recover on their own and push out new growth after the damaged leaves fall off. You can help your plant along by feeding it with a low nitrogen fertilizer such as the Espoma brand (Holly Tone, Plant Tone, etc.)
We appreciate all of the great feedback we've been hearing about Green Thumb! If you haven't had a chance to tune in yet, you can catch our Saturday radio discussion about all things gardening at 7am on 1470 WMBD. 
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Hoerr Nursery