Native Plants!


Browse our Native Plants
Introducing a new feature of our Plant-O-Pedia database! Browse natives and native cultivars of Illinois. 

To search for native plants, click the "Find Plants" button in the top left corner of our main page. This will bring you to the Plant-O-Pedia database, where you can check the "Illinois Natives" search option, circled in red below:

Click the "Search" button after that, and you'll see all the natives and native cultivars in our database!
You can save and print lists of your favorites using the "wish list" checkbox to the right of each plant listing. 
Bear in mind that availability is seasonal. The database represents everything we expect to have available during the course of a year, but does not reflect what is currently in stock. Please check with us before you come in for a specific plant. 

Why Plant Natives? 

When you incorporate native plants into your landscape, you foster the interconnected web of native insects, birds & other animals, and even microorganisms!

A study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society in England found that gardens which incorporate a densely planted mixture of natives, native cultivars, and ornamental garden plants supported healthy species diversity. 

Match the Plant to the Place
When you visit Hoerr Nursery, you'll notice symbols on our plant signs that give you information about their features and needs. 

The Illinois Natives carry the green native badge, pictured center left:

Of course, Illinois is a large state with a range of habitats, from swampland to prairie. You'll get the best results if you pick plants that are well adapted to the conditions you already have in your garden. 

We've got lots of beautiful natives and native cultivars! Explore our database today, and find your favorites. 

Keep your garden
looking great!

We've got plenty more warm, sunny weather in the forecast, so don't forget to water your plants!

Long, deep watering, provided whenever the soil begins to dry out, is better than frequent, brief watering. Young trees appreciate a thick "doughnut" of wood mulch, but remember to leave 3" of clearance around the trunk!

Learn more about the care and watering of newly planted trees at

Updated Hours

We've resumed our standard hours: 

Garden Center - 9am to 5pm Mon-Sat

Stone Market - 7am to 5pm Mon-Fri, 7:30am to 5pm Sat

On Sale
While supplies last!
Spring Annuals & Tropicals - 30% off

Select Hydrangea - 25% off 

Endless Summer Crush, 2 gallon size
Endless Bloomstruck, 2 gallon size

Herbs & Vegetables - 30% off 
(plants start at $1.99 before discount!)

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