Plants for Privacy
Attractive and often less expensive than fencing, trees and shrubs can mark a property boundary, screen a view, or protect a garden from driving wind.

In this week's newsletter, we present some tried-and-true options. Click the links to learn more about each plant!

Upright Evergreens
The quintessential living fence, most of these tall evergreens have a narrow footprint. 

Arborvitae ('Green Giant' pictured top right) has a compact form that fits nicely into smaller landscapes.

Upright Juniper ('Taylor' pictured left) is a great choice where deer pressure is high. 

Upright Yew ('Hicks' pictured bottom right) is the best option for a privacy screen in the shade. 

Flowering Bushes
If you have the space, these big, showy shrubs make a great privacy planting!

Privets feature glossy green leaves and sprays of scented white flowers in spring. (top left)

Rose-of-Sharon bears Hibiscus flowers from early summer to frost, giving you five months of brilliant color. (top right)

Lilacs bear sweetly fragrant flowers in spring. Drought tolerant once established. (bottom left)

Forsythia is covered in lemon-colored flowers before the leaves appear. Fall color is yellow, tinged with purple. (bottom right)

The Arrowwood Viburnums are large, attractive shrubs with excellent season-long interest. Glossy green leaves emerge in spring, and masses of creamy white flower heads appear in early summer.

Mix two varieties of Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum), and they will cross-pollinate to produce beautiful, steely-blue berries that attract songbirds, and contrast dramatically with their attractive display of autumn leaves.

Varieties of Arrowwood Viburnum include: 

Autumn Jazz
Blue Muffin
Chicago Lustre

Evergreen Trees for Windbreaks

Need your privacy screen to do double duty? Tall, sturdy evergreens are the best choice for windbreaks. They're especially effective when planted in a "zig zag" pattern. Look for White Pine, Norway Spruce, and Serbian Spruce

Which option is right for you? 

Before you decide on a living fence, note down the following information:
  • The length and width of the area you'd like to plant.
  • The desired height of your living fence.
  • How much sun and water the spot gets.
  • Whether you want your fence to be evergreen.
Armed with this information, you can narrow down your options.

If you'd like to talk through your choice with one of our experts, just stop in or send us a message- we're always happy to help!

On Sale
While supplies last!
Spring Annuals & Tropicals - 30% off

Select Hydrangea - 25% off 

Endless Summer Crush
Endless Bloomstruck

Herbs & Vegetables - 30% off 
(plants start at $1.99 before discount!)

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