Mulch Madness Is Back!

Mulch Madness is back!
We've got mountains of mulch in stock for Mulch Madness! From March 20th-April 15th, order one to three tons of mulch, and we’ll give you free local delivery.

Need more mulch? Don't live locally? Get $75 off the total cost of your delivery. 

See more details or place an order at

Why wood mulch?
When you mulch your garden with organic material, you mimic the natural process that takes place on the forest floor, and your garden reaps the benefits! Here's what you gain from using mulch: 
1. Whip weeds
A two or three inch layer of mulch is enough to suppress most weeds while allowing established plants to grow.
If you're starting a new bed from scratch in a weedy or grass-covered area, you can save effort by laying down sheets of cardboard and put the mulch directly on top.
The existing vegetation will break down over time, leaving a layer of rich soil for planting. 
2. Water less
Water absorbs more efficiently into mulched soil, and the mulch slows surface evaporation. The result is that mulched beds need as little as 1/3 the amount of watering that un-mulched beds do. 
3. Build better soil
Wood mulch breaks down over time to form humates- composted organic matter that enriches your soil.

You can keep this process going by topping up your existing mulched beds with an inch or two of new mulch every spring. 

Ready to mulch? 
Visit to view our free delivery zones, or call 309-689-2513 to schedule your delivery today!
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