Cannas & Herbs 2023

Canna Lilies:
The Tropical Touch
The Garden House in spring is a haven for plant lovers, offering an astonishing variety of annuals that can turn any outdoor space into a kaleidoscope of colors. Amidst this vast selection, one particular gem stands out—the canna lily. 
Canna lilies are a sight to behold in any garden or landscape. These magnificent flowering plants are easy to grow, and they boast large, vibrant blooms that come in a spectrum of captivating colors.
They range from fiery reds and oranges to soft pinks, creamy yellows, and even mesmerizing bi-color combinations, contrasting with their big, showy leaves. 
Whether planted as focal points, borders, or container plants, Canna Lilies make a bold statement. They bring an exotic allure and a touch of the tropics to any garden.
When it comes to choosing the right annuals for your garden, let our friendly experts be your guide! Our knowledgeable staff is ready to provide customized advice based on your preferences and needs. Whether you're interested in canna lilies or any other type of annual, we can help you make the perfect selection. Visit the garden center and let us help you create a flourishing outdoor space.
Unusual Herbs
We've got all kinds of intriguing herbs in stock for spring! Here's a sampler of some of the more unusual ones. From left to right: 

Winter Savory is a hardy, peppery herb with handsome dark leaves and showers of white summer flowers that attract all sorts of native pollinators, including red-spotted purple butterflies. As much at home in the perennial boarder as it is in the herb garden!

Japanese Parsley, a.k.a. Mitsuba tastes like a cross between parsley and cilantro, and it's perennial, too! Plant it in a moist, shady spot, and enjoy it fresh or lightly cooked in any recipe that calls for parsley or cilantro.

Holy Basil is a pollinator powerhouse, and unlike Italian basil, it doesn't hurt to let it flower. Used in Southeast Asian cuisine, as well as traditional Indian Ayurveda medicine. 

Salad Burnet is a pretty, ferny perennial. The young leaflets have a cucumber flavor, and can be added to salads, herbed butters & spreads, flavored vinegars and drinks.

True Hyssop (not to be confused with Anise Hyssop, which we also carry,) is a tough perennial that bears beautiful violet blue flowers June-September. Makes a wonderful perennial substitute for Rosemary, as well as an excellent bee and butterfly plant. 

Horehound is famous for its traditional use in cough syrups and lozenges, and remains a key ingredient in Ricola cough drops. It's also an interesting looking perennial, with downy white stems that set off textured, gray-green leaves. 

These are just a taste of the herbs we have to offer this spring. Our stock of homegrown herbs is limited, so get them before they're gone!

Open on Memorial Day
Both the Garden Center and Stone Market will be open limited hours from 9am-3pm on Memorial Day Monday, May 29th. 
Dry weather alert!
It's been more than a week since we had significant rain. Don't forget to keep your plants well-watered, especially newly planted plants that are still developing their root system. Happy gardening!
Last Sunday Open
Both the Garden Center and Stone Market will be open for one final Sunday during the 2023 season on May 28th, from 9am - 3pm. Explore our captivating spring collection of vibrant annuals, fresh veggies, and aromatic herbs, or discover the beauty of our diverse selection of perennials, shrubs & trees. For those seeking an extraordinary garden accent, make sure to visit Stone Market for one-of-a-kind rocks, flagstones & more. We'll be waiting for you!
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