Hummingbirds & Supertunias 2023

A haven for hummingbirds
As the last traces of winter fade away and the landscape bursts forth with new life, our feathered friends, the ruby-throated hummingbirds, make their triumphant return after a long journey north. If you're longing to enjoy their aerial acrobatics up close this season, join us as we explore the art of creating an irresistible oasis for hummingbirds  right in your own backyard.
Fueled by flowers
Nectar serves as the fuel for hummingbird's fast-paced metabolism.  To provide a trustworthy food supply, choose a selection of vibrant annual and perennial flowers  that bloom in overlapping succession throughout the growing season. 

Here's a list of some of their favorite flowers. Click the links for more information. 
Anise Hyssop
Beebalm (Pictured left)
Blazing Star
Butterfly Bush
Cardinal Flower
Cleome (annual)
Coral Bells
Cuphea (annual)
Fuchsia (annual, pictured right)
Honeysuckle Vine
Lantana (annual)
Lavender (annual and perennial)

Phlox, garden types
Red Hot Poker (Pictured left)
Rose of Sharon
Salvias (annual and perennial)
Verbena (annual)


Feed your feathered friends
Flowers come and go, but if you're diligent about cleaning and maintenance, a hummingbird feeder can provide a constant source of nectar while giving you a closer look at the hummers in your yard. We have lots of beautiful options in stock!

For details on setting up and maintaining a feeder, check out the Audubon Society's hummingbird feeder FAQ

Landscape for success
Hummingbirds are naturally drawn to warm and sunlit areas that provide ample opportunities for perching, nesting, cover, and foraging. A diverse tapestry of trees, shrubs, vines, flowering plants and grasses will appeal to them most.
Just add water
Like other birds, hummingbirds need to drink and bathe. They may use shallow bird baths, but they are especially drawn to dripping water. A gently flowing fountain or a garden mister helps to attract them. 
Minimize pesticides
We think of hummingbirds as nectar feeders, but a healthy population of insects and spiders is critical to their lifecycle.

Young birds are reliant on insects for the nourishment they need to grow. The nests those fledgling birds grow up in is fastened together using spider silk.  Even adult hummingbirds depend on insects as a crucial food source, particularly during the early spring and late fall seasons. 

If you have a specific pest problem and you need a targeted solution, get in touch! We can help you mitigate the issue without resorting to a mass application of insecticide. 

With a little effort and a lot of love, your garden can become a sanctuary, not only for hummingbirds, but for you! Enjoy the captivating pastime of observing these ethereal creatures, as well as all the benefits of a closer connection with nature.
Meet the Supertunias!
There are lots of different types of petunias, available in almost every color of the rainbow. How do you decide which ones are right for you? Here's a quick guide to the Supertunia line!
Classic Supertunias (pictured left) are ideal for container gardening. They get 6-12" tall and spread 18-24", and they show off with big, brightly colored blooms. 
Supertunia Vistas (pictured below) are spreading types intended for the landscape. They get 6-12" tall, and one plant easily covers 3 sq ft!
Supertunia Mini Vistas (pictured below,) are great for detailed displays at the front of the boarder. They reach 6-12" tall, but spread only 18-24" wide. 
Supertunias are a great choice for any gardener looking for beautiful, easy care petunias. With their vibrant colors and vigorous growth, Supertunias are sure to add a splash of color to any garden. 
Shop on Sundays in Spring
Visit  us on Sundays in May from 9am to 3pm. Our team of skilled experts is ready to provide personalized assistance to discover the plants that are right for your garden. 
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