Love Your Garden Year Round
Here in Central Illinois, we're enjoying that magical moment when the leaves blaze with autumn color.

What if the change that came next was equally magical? For many plants, it is! This week, we'll highlight some of the best ones that you can add to your garden to enjoy in wintertime.
Standout Shrubs
Many of the stars of the winter garden are shrubs. Look to the redtwig dogwoods (top right) and the winterberries (bottom left) for dramatic shades of scarlet in gardens large and small. 

Evergreen shrubs come in a variety of bold colors, and give you something leafy to look at. Rhododendron (top left) is an offbeat choice for spots sheltered from winter wind.

Shrubs such as Hydrangeas (bottom right) retain dried flowerheads throughout winter, collecting "snow hats" during storms. 
Trees Up Close
After losing their leaves, trees with winter interest become a focal point in the landscape. They may display graceful form or delightful bark. For small gardens, look for Twisted & Weeping RedbudsTemple of Bloom Seven-Son Flower, or Snowfountains Ornamental Cherry.

Beautiful mid-sized options include Paperbark Maple and Birches.
Making a Big Impact
If you have a lot of space, consider adding trees with interesting color and form, such as Allee Lacebark Elm or Golden Weeping Willow (pictured above.) Large evergreen trees can do double duty on big, open lots as a winter windbreak. 
Grasses & Sedges
Golden brown ornamental grass with plumy panicles are an iconic winter sight. Pick grasses with strong structure and showy plumes, such as Miscanthus, Northern Sea Oats, or Northwind Switch Grass.
For smaller landscapes or up-close viewing, choose Karl Foerster grass. 

In shady or wet spots, look to the sedges (pictured.) Many types hold their vividly colored leaves all winter long. 

Image courtesy of Walter's Gardens. 
Perennials & Groundcovers
(Including some unusual evergreens!)
Some perennials retain their dried flower heads or seed pods through winter, which is visually interesting in and of itself, and also because the seedheads attract birds. Yarrow, Black-Eyed Susan, Stonecrop and Coneflower are classics in this category. 
Evergreen perennials can be tucked among other plants for added interest. In shady spots, Lenten Rose (pictured right,) Bergenia and Heuchera are good options. In sunny spots, Color Guard Yucca, Hens & Chicks and Dianthus will hold their leaves through winter. 
Evergreen groundcovers spread a lush carpet beneath your winter garden, and are the perfect spot to plant spring bulbs! Choose from English Ivy, Lily Turf, Moss Phlox, Pachysandra, Wintercreeper (vigorous- only for select spots,) Carpet Bugle and Vinca
Most of the plants mentioned in this article are hardy enough for planting late, so it's not too late to tuck a few into your garden to enjoy during the coming cold season. Working these special plants into your garden will yield rewarding results all winter long!
Holiday Workshops

Our holiday workshops are open for signups, so grab your friends and save your spots! We've got porch pot and wreath decorating workshops available, plus a new one this year- decorative birch bundles with farm fresh greens!

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