Farm Fresh Evergreens!
Last week we talked about how evergreens and other plants with year round interest can transform a landscape into a winter wonderland. This week, we'll take a look at some of the evergreens that we've been bringing in fresh from the tree farm!
Spruce Up Your Garden
Spruce are tall, deer-resistant trees. The fast growing Norway Spruce (pictured) makes an excellent windbreak or privacy planting, and the handsome Serbian Spruce can serve as a specimen or an attractive grouping.

If you have partial shade in the spot where you'd like to plant, a Canadian Hemlock can be used in the same way as a Spruce. 
Proud Pines
Sturdy and stately, there's nothing that stands out in the landscape like a Pine Tree!

Our native White Pine is a local classic that works as a stand alone specimen, or planted in a double row at staggered intervals to make a windbreak. For those short on space, the  Columnar White Pine is a narrow cultivar that grows only ten feet wide. 

For exceptional color and form, the Blue Japanese White Pine (pictured above) is a standout specimen with curling blue needles. 

Late autumn/early winter is a great time for tree planting! We have a limited number of each of the trees featured here, so if any of them have caught your eye, contact us for pricing, delivery and planting details.
Sale Spotlight
If a privacy hedge would be more appropriate in your landscape than a windbreak, take advantage of our 30% off sale on Compact Burning Bush! These shrubs grow 7'-11' tall and wide, so you only need a few of them to cover a distance. 
All remaining spring bulbs 25% off.* Plant them now to make your spring shine! If you missed our recent article about getting the most out of bulbs, check it out here

*excludes holiday Amaryllis and Paperwhites
Take home some houseplants to green up your home for the winter, or to give as a gift! 30% off, or prices as marked.

If you feel "houseplant challenged," have a look at our suggestions for easy starter plants!

Holiday Workshops

Two of our holiday workshops are full already, so if you're thinking about signing up, don't wait! We've got wreath workshops spots available, plus a new one this year- decorative birch bundles with farm fresh greens!

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