What's In Your Dirt? - Soil Testing 101

Do you know what's in your soil?

Healthy soil is essential for healthy plants. Getting the composition and nutrient balance right in your soil enables you to: 
Grow a bumper crop of vegetables

Get maximum bloom from annual and perennial flowers

Have a lush, green lawn

Since housing developments and roads are often built on fill clay, which compacts well for stable construction, but is terrible for garden beds, it's not uncommon for gardeners to find themselves struggling to get their yard to look good, no matter what measures they take.  A soil test can reveal these issues, and point to the steps that you can take to improve your soil. 
If you'd like to unlock the full potential of your garden, we recommend one of our quick and easy soil tests, using a Soil Kit. 
Soil Kits come with simple instructions for taking your soil sample, along with a postage-paid package that you can use to send your sample off in the mail. Once it arrives at the laboratory, your sample will be tested, and the results will be emailed both to you and to one of our Hoerr Nursery horticulturists.

Everybody's soil is unique, and your results will tell you exactly what your garden needs. 

Our horticulturist will contact you and go over your results, answering any questions you have. If amendments can be made to improve your soil, we'll explain what you need and how to do it. 

Start this spring off right! Pick up a Soil Kit at the garden center, and learn what you need to make your garden grow!

Trees are Arriving!

We've been moving our trees out of cold storage and into the yard this week. Early spring is a great time to plant a tree, so come and have a look! 
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