It's an exciting moment every year when the vines die back in our pumpkin fields and the pumpkins change from green to orange. Then it's all hands on deck to pick them, wash them, and bring them back to the Garden Center by the truckload. Prices range from 50¢ to $5.99, so bring the whole family to pick out your favorites!
Spring Bulbs are In!
Planting bulbs is as easy as dig, drop, done. (Pro tip: A crowbar makes bulb-sized holes with minimal effort.)
Slip them into your landscape wherever you'd like an early show of color, and you'll be rewarded with glorious spring flowers! Most bulbs will multiply over time and come back year after year, popping up every spring to surprise and delight you.
Peoria's own Green Thumb Gardening Show is on 1470 WMBD at 7am on Saturday mornings! Tune in to hear Ethan Wise and Dan Diorio talk gardening for Central Illinois.