Shade Trees for Summer

With more warm weather on the horizon, let's talk trees.

If you've been thinking about investing in a shade tree, you probably want  something attractive and fast-growing. We've got lots of beautiful options, and we'll walk you through some of the best!

Throughout this article, you'll be able to click the name of the tree for more details. 

A tree like no other! Forms "knees" under saturated soil conditions to take in oxygen while the roots are underwater.
Feathery green leaves turn coppery in autumn. Reddish brown bark remains interesting through winter. You may have noticed the Baldcypress that grow throughout the Hoerr Nursery campus.

We have several varieties available: 
Green Whisper Baldcypress
Lindsey's Skyward Baldcypress
Shawnee Brave Baldcypress

Graceful leaves catch every little breeze, turning gold in autumn. The handsome, peeling bark is on full display in winter.
Tolerates clay soil and brief flooding.

We have two native varieties in stock: 

Heritage River Birch
Whitespire Gray Birch

Once the street tree of choice throughout America, Elms are stately shade trees with attractive, glossy green leaves. 
They're disease resistant, and adapt to both wet and dry conditions. The American Elms need well-drained soil, but the Lacebark Elms will take clay.

Colonial Spirit American Elm
Allee Lacebark Elm
The ferny leaves cast dappled shade, turning yellow in fall. Very adaptable. Our Skyline Honey Locust is thornless and seedless. 

Popular for their brilliant fall color! While some Maples are slow growers, the ones listed below put on rapid growth. 
Autumn Blaze Maple
Brandywine Red Maple
Redpointe Maple
Urban Sunset Maple
Armstrong Gold Maple

Known for their longevity, Oaks are among the most important trees for native wildlife in Illinois. The ones listed below grow fastest. 
Swamp White Oak
American Dream Swamp White Oak
Red Oak
Scarlet Oak
Regal Prince Oak
A stately, pyramidal shade tree, developed at the Morton Arboretum in Illinois. The handsomely patterned bark is attractive year round. 
The Exclaimation! variety bears fewer gumball seed clusters than the species. 
Fruitless! This variety bears no spiky "gumballs." Autumn leaves turn crimson. One of the few documented food sources of Luna Moths. 
Unique shade tree with enormous wildlife value! Emerald City was selected for its upright habit. Autumn leaves turn an excellent shade of gold.

If you’re looking for a fast growing shade tree that doesn’t drop anything other than fall leaves, this is it! Good fall color and attractive peeling bark.
Green Vase Japanese Zelkova
Village Green Zelkova

Our delivery and planting options make it easy to get your tree home and planted, and our friendly experts will be happy to help you decide on the right tree for you. 

If you're looking to add a tree to your landscape, come out and see them for yourself!

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Need help deciding what to put where? Try our 'Build Your Own Garden Bed' service!

Take photos and measurements of any small garden bed, then make a 1hr appointment with one of our designers. We'll talk over your needs and sketch a custom plan for you on the spot. $100 or less per design!

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Memorial Day Hours

May 29th will be our final Sunday open for the 2022 season!

In honor of Memorial Day, we'll be open reduced hours on Monday, May 30th.

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