Super Shrubs
for Carefree Color

Shrubs are the backbone of the landscape, giving it form and shape. That doesn't mean they have to be boring!

In this newsletter, we'll look at some exceptionally long-blooming bushes. 

Many Weigela feature colored leaves as exciting as their tiny trumpet flowers! They bloom in waves over a long period, with some cultivars flowering from spring to summer, and others from summer to fall.

Famous for attracting hummingbirds.

Let Snow White be your princess charming!

This reblooming Mockorange unfurls sweetly fragrant, double white flowers in late spring and early summer, then awakens from her sleep to flower a second time in late summer. Cut stems are wonderful in flower arrangements.

While most people don't think of planting these pollinator magnets until they start to show off in summer, the best time to plant Butterfly Bush is before they start blooming. In other words, right now!

Use root stimulator when you put them in, so that they don't divert all their energy to the spectacular flower show and forget to form roots ahead of winter. Water your Butterfly Bush on a regular basis while they get themselves established. Then sit back and enjoy the flurries of butterflies!


A rarely seen Illinois native!

Cheerful flowers in eye-catching colors adorn Potentilla from early summer into fall. The lush, feathery leaves are attractive in their own right.

For a look at the whole shrub in bloom, check out the photo at the top of this article. 

Even if you consider yourself a "brown thumb" with Roses, give the Shrub Roses a shot! They're bred to be fuss free, highly disease resistant, and very free-flowering. 

If you're only familiar with the Knockouts, check out the improved Oso Easy line, or the diminutive Drift Flower Carpet Roses

A familiar but varied group, there's a Hydrangea for every landscape! The trick is to choose the Hydrangea that's right for your growing conditions. We break down which type to put where here

Don’t settle for one-and-done lilacs!

The Bloomerang Lilac sports sprays of sweetly fragrant flowers that appear in late spring, and then they rebloom until frost.

Available in shrub or patio tree form. 

These exotic blooms keep coming from summer to frost!  They'll withstand moderate shade, and they're a hummingbird favorite.

Many new Rose of Sharon are sterile, meaning they put even more energy into forming flowers. 


Establish any of these flowering shrubs in your garden, and you'll have beautiful flowers to enjoy with next to no effort!

Don't Miss Out-
Earn Hardy Bucks!

June is the final month to earn Hardy Bucks during the 2022 season. Get $1 back for every $20 you spend!

From July 15th to August 15th, you can use your Hardy Bucks for 50% of the total cost of any retail merchandise at the Garden Center or Stone Market.
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