Strong to the Finish:
Plants that Flower 'til Frost
What comes to mind when you think of autumn color? 
Blazing leaves? Of course! But there are also a special group of flowers that put on a show just as the rest of the garden prepares to sleep. 
Sunny Stunners
If your flowers fold for the season after summer, it's not too late to add color to a sunny spot with these hardy, late-season plants:
Top left: Obedient Plant
Center Left: Russian Sage
Top Right: Black-Eyed Susan
Center Left: Catmint
Center: Goldenrod
Center Right: Aster
Bottom Left: Moonbeam Coreopsis
Bottom Center: Ironweed
Bottom Right: Stonecrop

Shady Stars
There are a number of flowers that add color late in the year to spots with afternoon shade. They all prefer moist conditions with the exception of Rozanne Geranium, which likes moderate water. 
Top Left: Toad Lily
Top Right: Turtlehead
Center Right: Rozanne Geranium
Bottom Left: Bugbane
Bottom Right: Autumn Anemone

Late Season Planting Tips
  • Use root stimulator (available in our Plant Pharmacy,) when you plant to encourage good establishment.
  • Water deeply whenever we get less than 1" of slow rainfall.
  • Late blooming perennials make great bulb companions. Tuck bulbs around the base of the perennial you're planting, and enjoy a double show of color next year!
Autumn Blooms
These fall flowering plants can brighten your late season garden, and it's not too late to add them! For a more impressive autumn display, add perennials, grasses and shrubs with showy fall color, too!
The Fall Porch Package
The Fall Porch Package is now available! 

What’s Included:
      2 Mums
            (any @ $12.99,
including Mumbos)
      1 Cornstalk Bundle
      1 Pumpkin
            (any yellow sticker)
      1 Full-Sized Straw Bale

Price: $45
Sept. 26th-Oct. 10th:
Select Trees on Sale

Choose from the following varieties: 

25% off: 
Crimson King Maple

40% off: 
Crimson Sunset Maple
Skyline Honeylocust
Exclamation Planetree
Tina Crabapple
Double Weeping Cherry
Pink Snow Showers Weeping Cherry
Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry
All remaining spring dug trees

60% off: 
Allee Elm
Green Mountain Linden
Village Green Zelkova
Green Vase Zelkova

Get them while supplies last!

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Matt Obrien